Children's Church
WUMC offers a relaxed educational age-appropriate worship time for the young congregants in Second Service.
Children begin service seated with their family members. They are invited to come forward toward the altar to hear the Children's Moment sermon, after which we exit as a group to Fellowship Hall (off the sanctuary). This fun, adult-supervised snack, game, craft and praise song time generally expands on the worship topic.
Children return to sanctuary at the final hymn.
WUMC offers a relaxed educational age-appropriate worship time for the young congregants in Second Service.
Children begin service seated with their family members. They are invited to come forward toward the altar to hear the Children's Moment sermon, after which we exit as a group to Fellowship Hall (off the sanctuary). This fun, adult-supervised snack, game, craft and praise song time generally expands on the worship topic.
Children return to sanctuary at the final hymn.