Church Boards and Ministries
!--The monthly minutes and financial statements of the Church. You must have an account and be a Church Member to download minutes. -->
Church Council:
This is the overall governing body of the local Church and it is responsible for the general oversight and operation of the Church. All committees are represented on the Administrative Board. It meets once a month. |
Calendaring and Ministry:
The Council is responsible for the coordination and calendaring of all programs and ministries. All major program/ministry areas (Church School, PreSchool, Discipleship, Music, etc.) are represented. COM meets every month. |
Staff-Parish Committee:
This is the "personnel" committee of the church. It relates directly to staff members, works with staff to consider goals and objectives for the church, establishes salaries/benefits, is responsible for hiring staff, and deals with general church/staff issues. Nine members are elected on rotating 3-year terms. SPR meets monthly, or as necessary. |
Trustees are the legal "caretakers" of our church. They are responsible for the overall physical operation, maintenance and care of our facility. Trustees solicit and approve contracts for work/maintenance, handle insurance issues, receive bequests and oversees those funds. Nine members are elected on rotating 3-year terms. Trustees meet every month. |
Finance Committee: Doug Weed
This committee oversees the general finance ministry of the church. The Finance Committee establishes the yearly budget for church ministry, reviews monthly income/expenses, and works with stewardship to coordinate an overall plan for financial ministry. Finance Committee meets once a month. Any questions about finance may be directed to Doug Weed via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) |
Mission Committee:
This committee oversees the general outreach and missions of the church. |
--Reports -->